Hilton Head Diner

Almost a century after the first one opened for business in Providence, Rhode Island, diners like the HILTON HEAD DINER are still going strong, even in this day of fast foods and fad cuisines. Today you may see padded booties, vibrant colors, elegant light fixtures overhead and rich carpeting underfoot, but beneath the modern exterior, you can still sense what makes this place a diner. Something about it says you can relax and be yourself here. That's because we've made sure you'll always feel at home. It's your home because we accommodate whatever kind of eating you're in the mood for, from a snack to a feast. It's your home because we move at your pace. If you're in a rush, we're in a rush. If you're not, you can take your sweet time. That means you and your friends will be able to cover the week's gossip over a burger and some fries. It means you can sit with a client as long as you like, discussing business over a cup of coffee. It means you can feel free to linger over dessert with a date you want to get to know better. It means you can come here with your family for a five-course meal and not have to worry about annoyed looks if your children don't act like perfect adults. In the modern world there are so fees places like this one, a comfortable middle ground away from home and away from work, where we can come together with our friends and family over food and gossip, jokes and conversation. THE HILTON HEAD DINER is proud of the food we serve, and we believe that the warm, easy-going atmosphere we provide is every bit as important to our customers as what's on the menu.
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